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Feedback Is Better Than Testimonials

THE HIGHEST ROI BUSINESS HACK ANYONE CAN IMPLEMENT. It's not #TESTIMONIALS. Too easy to manipulate. It's not #FACEBOOK_MARKETING. A black art :) It's not #REFERRAL_MARKETING. Getting warmer It's not #INFLUENCER_MARKETING. Won't work if your business model is flawed. Drum roll....Ask for and make it easy to give anonymous feedback. Most of us are genuine spirited and only offer feedback when we've had an extreme experience (good/bad). The value to a business is the feedback in between. 'The service was a little perfunctory.' (probably won't come back implied but not stated) 'The price point was a little higher than the value received.' 'The backend service was less than expected.' The anonymity component is crucial. If I ask you for feedback I'm probably hoping for validation/praise, consequently we ask the wrong clients (the happy ones) for feedback. Keep the response space short - just a line or two from e
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